06. Playlist editor. (F5)
07. Step Sequencer. (F6)
08. Piano Roll (F7)
09. Browser. (F8)
10. Mixer. (F9)


Now you will learn how to add a bassline using the piano roll.

But, first, remove all the fiddling you did with the drums, or open a new project with File > Open.

Now, put a kick on each beat, and a hihat on each offbeat, and a clap on the 2nd and 4th beat. like so.

Click play to see how it sounds. Nice and simple. Now, for the bass. Right click on the snare, and go to Insert > BooBass. A screen will appear with the boobass settings, this synth is very basic, and only has 3 knobs, Treble, Bass, and Mid. Mess around with them if you like, and see what it sounds like with the little keyboard on the bottom.

Once you are done with that, right click on the BooBass and select Piano Roll, a window will appear, it will have a keyboard on the right, and a buncha empty slots.

It appears a little daunting at first, but it isnt hard at all. Basically, on the big bunch of squares next to the keyboard, you place notes. The time goes from left to right when you click play. You place notes just like you did with the drums. But now, you can drag them around, and change the notes. Make something like this.

This makes an eighth note play on every offbeat at C5. Press play. Starting to sound like a song isnt it? I put the bass on the offbeat, so the mix doesnt get muddy, if I had the bass and the kick going at the same time they both take up a very similar frequency range, and things would get kind of muddy. The Kick-Bass pattern is a staple in most electronic music styles.

Now go to the next measure in the piano roll, place the same pattern at F5, then the next measure should be G5, and then F5 again, A simple I,IV,V progression. Click play. Didnt sound right did it? The drums only played during the first measure didnt they? Easy fix. Toggle the little box next to the arrow at the top right of the step sequencer. Press play, and the drums should repeat every measure.

Playlist Editor

Press F5 to open the playlist editor. It looks kinda similar to the piano roll, but you organize patterns instead of notes. Place the pattern with the bass and drums you just made, which should have been pattern 1, so just click next to pattern one, and position it to take up the first 4 bars. Place another to take up the next 4 bars. Aldi gardenline battery hedge trimmer.

Mouse over to the play button, but before you click play, toggle the little square with the word 'SONG' next to it, to play the stuff in the playlist, instead of the one pattern in the step sequencer. Then click play. (You can click anywhere on the blackish horizontal bar with the numbers on it to skip around the song.)

Making A Good Synth Sound

Time to program a nice lead synth!

3xosc 808

01. Right click one of the instruments in the step sequencer and go to Insert > 3xOSC.

This synth has some pretty complex controls compared to BooBass. This synth has 3 synths that play at once. (Hence the 3xosc). Press some buttons on the little piano keyboard. By default, this synth is pretty plain sounding. Lets spice it up a bit.

02. Under Osc 1 click the shape that looks like a backwards N, this changes the wave of the sound to a rough saw shape, instead of a smooth sine. Still sounds pretty plain though doesnt it? Go ahead and change all the OSCs to this shape.

Osc stands for oscillator, it basically generates a very simple sound waveform in the shape you specify (The white buttons), This intrument, layers 3 oscillators over each other.

The settings we just plugged are refered to as a Super Saw most of the time, these settings are very overused, and appear in hundreds of trance songs. Producers have grown sick of this preset, and most hate it to death. But, it will work for now.

The Knobs next to the osc are Volume, Pan, Course Tuning (1 note at a time), and Fine Tuning (around a cent at a time, up to 50 cents in either direction). By default, the Course tunning is set to have a 3 octave harmony, and the fine tunnings are all at 0 detune.

03. On Osc 2, very slightly adjust the Fine knob to the left, and on Osc 3, move it slightly to the Right.

This will create a chorus/flanger effect. The slight dissonance between the 3 oscillators makes the intument sound wider, fuller, and bit fatter.

3xosc Soundfont

04. At the top of the 3xOSC window, click on Misc, and toggle the box that says Porta.

This will make thesynth slide from note to note, mosts lead synths sound better with a subtle slide. The knob labled slide, changes the speed of the slide, leave it at default for now.

05. At the top right of the 3xOSC click on the box label FX, and drag your mouse slightly upward, so it says 1.

This routes the instrument through the first Effects channel. Press F9 to open the mixer. There should be a master, and a bunch of inserts, and 4 sends. The inserts are the places where you insert intruments to add effects, adjust volume, EQ, ect. The master add effects to the entire track. The sends are a little weird. Sounds can be sent here via plugin, or sometimes synths have options to send parts of the synth to one of the sends. I will explain the uses of the sends in a later lesson.

06. Click on Insert 1.

This is the insert you just routed your new synth too. All the way to the left. There is 8 things labeled from 1 to 8, these are the 8 slots for effects.

07. Click on the arrow next to one of the eight slots, and go to Select > Fruity Reverb.

Adds a reverb effect to everything in insert 1, which is only the lead synth we made.

08. On the new window click on the button in the very top right corner and go to Presets > Subtle.

This will change the settings of the reverb to something more subtle.

09.Now add an effect to slot 2, Insert > Delay 2. Set the preset to Stereo Effect, and adjust the Cut knob to a little less than half way.

The cut knob adjusts the effects low pass filter. This will make the higher frequencies the repeat be cut out, so the repeat isnt as pronounced as the note itself. Play around with the keyboard some more, see how it sounds.

The settings for the synth, and the effects. (Dont just copy this, there is another step, and valuable information in the above paragraph)

Now, to write the lead. Got to pattern 2. I felt like doing a corny major happy riff thing. So I did. (See the pattern below)Basically, its the root of the chord in that measure, the major 3rd, and the 5th, its basically and arpeggio of the Cmajor chord. And then, you select the lasso tool from the tools at the top of the piano roll, and select all of the notes. Hit Ctrl+c to copy, scroll over to the next measure and paster, drag the notes up to F6, so it transposes to an Fmajor arpeggio. Do that for the paste and transpose to G for the next measure, and then F measure for the last measure, a simple, happy sounding major lead. Now, place that pattern in the play list matched up with the second 4bars for pattern 1.

Hit play. The bass and drums should play, and then the lead should kick in the second time around.

feedback is greatly appreciated!thanks to @nelchael-recabarren for the flp to this song, so i can cover it!is it too loud?art by internet (i edited it!)

Comment by xylium

@necut: NICE WORK

Comment by xylium


Comment by Echeł

@retr0scape: xd

Comment by SayoScar

@guddest-doggo: smh

Comment by SayoScar

@guddest-doggo: do you think i flp edit?

Comment by Husk the Husky

Did you just edit the flp and add things that aren't oscx3 and change the drums..?

Comment by The_Luke_135


Comment by Turtle Burger

oh my God I just noticed you can kind of see the eyes to the static visor on Miku

Comment by titanicTemplar

@xxenderproxx ok XxEnderProxX

Comment by Xeron

i need a kirito megalovania and disbelief asuna :,D

Comment by SayoScar

@mayhem-redux: thank you for the helpful criticism~

Comment by nec

* this is it luigi we're going to hell

Comment by apex

@mayhem-redux same

Comment by SayoScar

@nelchael-recabarren: got it

Fl Studio 3xosc Presets

Comment by AETHER

3xosc Tutorial

i legit barely hear any difference to the original.